Thursday, September 30, 2004

Walk The Plank.

I overheard the workers talking about jackhammers this morning. It was my cue to get out of the house.

Kitchen cabinets. I banish thee!

What's left of the current kitchen. Sadly, I now realize the kitchen is smaller than my closet upstairs.

Bye Bye Balcony.

There sure is a lot of light back here now.

Now the fastest way to the first floor.

Avast yee matey. Arrrrggg..... you will walk the plank to visit Davy Jones locker.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Holy #!@$*I&&(%^

I came home last night, and there was a giant dumpster in front of my house. Yikes! It's nearly bigger than my house. I guess it's starting to sink in now. Made me a bit queasy. There's no turning back. Eeeeek!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Completely exhausted

Feeling the effects of the move. Trudging up a staircase with all of one's worldly possessions. Not recommended. Tired. Sore. Achy. But finished. How does one person accumulate so much crap?

Monday, September 27, 2004

It begins!

Finally. After months and months and months.....

The before pictures.

This is the new kitchen. Formerly the guest room. Also known as Nancy's room.

Look, I can rollerskate in my living room now.

Just need a few disco balls, and it's party time.

Jpeg compression makes the kitchen look clean. It's really not.

I have battle scars from trying to move the refrigerator.

The whole balcony gets removed soon.

Where all the major changes will be happening.

Can you believe I fit the contents of my entire kitchen and more into the little closet back there?

Now my bedroom is a studio apartment. Actually, nearly everything I own fits in this room. So why is it that I need to add on to the house?

Bye Bye banana leaf wallpaper, I'll miss you.