Monday, September 27, 2004

It begins!

Finally. After months and months and months.....

The before pictures.

This is the new kitchen. Formerly the guest room. Also known as Nancy's room.

Look, I can rollerskate in my living room now.

Just need a few disco balls, and it's party time.

Jpeg compression makes the kitchen look clean. It's really not.

I have battle scars from trying to move the refrigerator.

The whole balcony gets removed soon.

Where all the major changes will be happening.

Can you believe I fit the contents of my entire kitchen and more into the little closet back there?

Now my bedroom is a studio apartment. Actually, nearly everything I own fits in this room. So why is it that I need to add on to the house?

Bye Bye banana leaf wallpaper, I'll miss you.

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