Good bye banana wallpaper. I held you so dear.
But it's time for a change, to bring in a new year.

The view for the tub is sadly much wasted.
Since Davy takes showers, instead of sitting there... um... basted.

Putting back the living room ceiling, what a big chore.
All this dust is bad for breathing, and it clogs up my pores.

Another view of drywall, we've seen it before.
That's all I have pictures for, since I have no back door.

Kitchen walls being prepped for cabinets to be hung.
Getting ready to store spices from near and far flung.

Walkway is done, stucco will be going on soon.
And then outdoor speakers to hear a good tune.

A jumble of wiring, still needs to be sorted.
I fixed the cable myself, the rest of it aborted.

The patio base is poured, almost ready for slate tile.
Let's hope they hurry up, and get rid of the dirt pile.
All this rhyming kind of makes me a dork,
But when kitchen's all finished, I'll make some yummy pork.
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