Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Glue and milk and booze

Today, I learned that Elsie the cow of Borden dairy products fame is married to Elmer the bull. Elmer the mascot of Elmer's glue. They have 4 kids. OK, since they're cows and not goats, they have 4 calves, not kids.

I've been wearing my Italy ties this week. Freaking people out at the company. Hee Hee.

Tracked down some cynar last night. Some effort required to find it. It seems that in Southern California, all the liquor stores are stocked with a gazillion bottles of wine, Budweiser, and nothing else. Turns out there's a great liquor store less than 2 miles from the house. Within dog walking distance. Cynar was in the back of the store, dusty corner, behind some wine boxes. When I brought the bottle home, I realized, there is no kitchen and therefore no barware or ice cubes to drink cynar with. So disappointed. So so disappointed.

Angels trumpet tree blooming this week. Smells "heavenly" when it releases fragrance at dawn and dusk. Coincidence with the election of a new pope? I think not.

Smooshed my right pinky trying to unseat a stuck bathroom window. Dern painters. Makes typing quite annoying. Because punctuation keys are on the right side of the keyboard, typing punctuation hurts. Who would have thought that grammar would be occupational hazard?

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