Sunday, May 29, 2005

Desperate houseboy

Weekend custody of Preston again. Yay! He's been very well behaved lately. Baby Eli came to stay with us yesterday. I discovered that Preston loves little babies. He's always liked playing with kids, but hasn't been around many babies. When Eli cries, Preston goes to check in on him. It's very touching. Sadly, I'm nowhere near having anything to do with babies in my life. Sigh.

Tomato vines are now gigundous, taller than me now. Little yellow flowers popping up everywhere like pimples on a pizza delivery boy. I'm still tremendously jealous of Aaron and Jenne's fruitful tomatos. It drives me nuts. The anticipation of vine ripened 'maters. Patience young Davy. Patience.

Baby 'maters. I shall coddle you until you've matured. And as soon as you've matured, I will devour you right there in the garden, juice and seeds dripping out of my mouth and all over my shirt, like a bloody horror movie zombie. And I will be happy.

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