Friday, January 13, 2006

Duck tails

Day 7. Duck. Duck. Duck. Duck. Duck. So much duck. Not coherent anymore. Everywhere. Duck Duck. Everywhere I turn. Duck. I see ducks out of the corner of my eyes. They're everywhere.

Brussel sprouts. Lightly blanched with a few garlic cloves for a vibrant green color, seared in duck fat with cracklin's for flavor. Sprinklin' of pine nuts because I like the plink plink sounds that the pine nuts make when it scatters on the plate.

Duck and cheese wrapped in crepe. Next time, I'd probably save myself the trouble of making crepes from scratch. Store bought tortillas would be just as good. But I've owned my crepe pan for five years now, and it's time that I finally learn. Must fulfill the crepe pan's destiny. Now it can go back to making omelettes and hashbrowns.

Duck aspic. Aspic is just a frou frou way of saying "meat juice jello." I shall work on a song about meat juice jello. Meat juice jello... Meat juice jello...

I couldn't help myself. I just had to try some of the immature limoncello. Woowhee! It's strong. I made the same expression that's on the shot glass.

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