The lasagne series of tiles were dropped off to be bisque fired this morning. I like working with clay because it's exactly like kneading dough and rolling things out in a pasta maker. Hence, the lasagne series where I sandwich differently colored sheets of clay into a block. The one on the right is "fishies swimming through ocean." I had that one sketched out for a month, just now making it. Most of my tiles had been queued for a little over a week now. So a large batch finished today. Junko was taking them out of the kiln when I arrived.

This one is "balance." Lots going on here, but the abridged version is that nature and technology coexist in kind of a yin yangy way. Air, earth, water, plants, animals, etc... all that hippie new agey stuff. And the corners are broken off like ancient ruins to show time and permanence. This series had been stewing in my head for over a year. One morning during the house construction, I saw near the rubbish bins a discarded carbide saw blade with a large feather next to it. This is what came out of that.

House numbers. I'm still not sure I like this one. My first reaction was that it looked like bloody snot. But now it looks like pizza. I'll leave it in view for a while. I can always paint it a different color and still preserve the really cool random bubbling cheese effect.

Color experiments. These were made from the trimmings of clay slabs. That's why they have straight sides, and one very irregular edge. I tend to do better with the blues and greens versus the oranges. The orange glazes always come out too "dairy" for my tastes. These get shoved in a box for future reference on what the glazes look like. I labeled the type of clay and the glaze on the back with a sharpie.

This is "person chasing shooting star" aka "man reaching for giant vagina."

This one is like the attic vents to the big house next door. A bit of an asian-y california craftsman kinda thing. But actually it's just an experiment to see how the glaze reacts to varying depths of carvings.

More 'speriments. I'm going to use more of the matte finishes now. The glossy ones don't show shape or form as well.

Failed cat tiles. They used to have primative cave painting cats on them. But the crackle glaze had gone horribly wrong. No matter. I really didn't like these much. Not in the vein of the usual Davy style. I dreamt of a cat in the shape of a parallelogram a few weeks ago, so they became the subject of these tiles. Live and learn.

On the otherhand, the cheesecake that I thought was a goner turned out extremely good. It settled down overnight in the refrigerator and now the texture is perfectly smooth and creamy, but not too fluffy. Marscapone cheesecake with shortbread crust on persimmon purée. One of the rare happy accidents in my notorious bad baking record. Why do I even try?

AND creme brulée.

AND persimmon gelato. Tonight was a three dessert night. Lactose intolerant Asians! I laugh in your face!