Saturday, February 04, 2006

Lifting fog

Foggy morning. Very rain foresty. I will have to borrow some gorillas to go with the mist. My hairy friends would probably do.

Finally permanently connected to the electrical grid. House renovation is officially over! Moment of silence...

The grandma cart I bought in Chinatown was the hit of the farmer's market this morning. A most stylish wheeled vegatable conveyance.

I'm going absolutely gaga over these cauliflower heads. I lingered at the cauliflower stall picking out the three most perfect heads of each color. The orange one is creamy, purple is spicy. The math geek in me absolutely loves the green cauliflower for it's infinite fractal spirals. The flakey artist in me loves the chartreuse color and the Thai goddess head dress / tower minaret shape. It's just a gorgeous vegatable.

Napping in the sunshine. Dogs always know the perfect thing to do at each moment.

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