Finally did laundry. Stinky stinky laundry from a manly man. But now I have fresh pandas to wear.

And I replaced the dog door flap that wasn't sealing shut correctly. And adjusted the magnets so it doesn't slam when Preston uses it.

Ugh. Nothing like a 4 hardware store day. I searched everywhere and finally found a right handed outswing 30'' exterior metal door. AND I impressed an entire parking lot of manly burly men by fitting everything into my car, and shutting the hatch. I am the KING of manly men!

And replaced the stinking mechanical timer for the exterior lights. The old one made a clankety clankety noise that drove me nuts for 5 years. 5 whole years and I'm only now getting around to replacing it with silent digital technology. No moving parts. Ah... silence. And it has sunrise and daylight savings programmed into it. Gotta love technology. What this picture doesn't show is the 2 other timers I blew up trying to get this to work. I'm happy I didn't electrocute myself.

And a new fangled smoke detector that not only makes a lot of noise, but a sexy woman's voice tells you there's a fire. So utterly useless, but hey, if my house is going up in smoke, I'd rather have a sultry lady with a smokey voice tell me rather than a raspy voiced drill sargeant.

And putting in exterior outlets for future Xmas light duty.
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