Finally pulled out the cast iron grill grates to re-season them. It's been 5 years since I last used them, having been too lazy to brush off the rust and re-season them for grilling duty. But now, oh the beautiful dark grill marks it makes on food. Such a wonderous thing.

Backyard terracing project begins again. This time, the rocks will slow down and gently guide rain water into the catch basin instead of the mad tidal wave of mud that usually surfs down the side yard when it rains.

Mulched AND planted with camelias, gardenias, clivia, and azaleas. This is the "ia" garden. Boulders heavy.

Giant pile of citrus branches all chipped and shredded, awaiting future mulch duty. Thems lots of mulch. It's amazing how much plant matter my little plot of land generates.

Sharkie thermometer joins the gang. But not for long. I'm planning on separating the saltwater animals from the freshwater animals on different sides of the pool.

Trying to cook the Ying family duck recipe in my quest to learn Chinese food. It's very hard for me not to add butter or parmesan cheese to this. $3.80 duck from the Chinese supermarket. What a bargain! This duck reminds me of...

A pokemon that brandishes a leek as it's weapon of choice.

I failed to make the duck pretty. So I shredded the meat in hopes of rescuing dinner from blog photo embarassment.
1 comment:
Cheese is more delicious than soy sauce. And soy cheese is just nasty.
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