Hannah drove down to visit for the new year's. Her chariot announces her presence.

Uncle Davy's chariot announces... well, Uncle Davy is Uncle Davy.

Hannah likes the picnic table her uncle got her. This is the no adults allowed table. The clever product design filters out people with large asses.

I'm not even sure Hannah even recognizes anything Nemo. No clue why we're waiting 2 hours in line to ride the yellow submarines to see an animated clownfish in a movie she's never seen.

No Nemo yet. But at last we're sitting our fat asses down.

The It's a Small World ride will be closing for "upgrades" soon. Disney needs to make the boats more buoyant. And parts of the track have to be deeper and wider to allow for a wider turning radius. Such is the effect of our country's expanding waistline. Brought forth by our unnaturally monoculture corn based food supply. Itself a consequence of some well intentioned, but flawed farm subsidy policy dating back decades. Which have deepened our petroleum dependance because of corn's reliance on petroleum based fertilizers. So that we can feed our beef and tilapia, animals which are not biologically designed to process corn. And produce the multi-syllabic chemical food components that make up nearly every aisle of our grocery stores. To which we drive miles and miles back and forth inside our air conditioned 12 miles per gallon automobiles. But boy, sometimes one of those hostess cupcakes really hits the spot.
1 comment:
I don't know you ... but I feel like I do. Somehow got caught up in your delectable diatribe. I finally had to comment and say "Go Davey". Loved your rant and agree 100%. Let's all grow chard and eat anchovies! Corn isn't even really good for you.
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