Sunday, February 10, 2008

Killer bumps

This is either a cry for help, or a rig for autoerotic asphyxiation. I should be worried about the neighbor kid, shouldn't I?

Killer speed bumps. Somebody really wants us to slow down.

I want to get this sign printed on post-it notes to stick on people's houses. Or T-shirts. These would make good T-shirts.

The lonely lost shopping cart cries out for help. This would make a great children's book.

Dandelion greens and wild fennel are high profit items at the store. Sadly, Saint Elizabeth's classroom garden is currently a barren desert, devoid of even delicious weeds.

These neighbors spend a lot of time and money on hedge clipping.

My favorite Art Nouveau house in Altadena. We artsy types tend to bunch up around hereabouts.

And we even have some pseudo Frank Llyod Wright houses sprinkled in here and there for variety.

Two houses over from me, the Vanderbuilts constructed this house for their doctor. This is a totally new way for doctors to make house calls.

The best part of this house, is the tree that looks like Cousin It.

Because of my overactive imaginations, I've always imagined that the folks across the street were International Super Spies. They're always carrying violin and cello cases in and out of the house- cello cases that were probably full of James Bond type weapons and gadgets. Alas, my imagination bubble popped when my friend Michael stopped by one night because he was across the street to see someone about buying a bassoon.

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