Thursday, October 21, 2004

Over 10 inches of moistness

Ginormous rain storm yesterday. Telephone line and internet went kapoot. Delayed updates until tonight. With the shortage of walls currently, the moisture is causing all the doors to expand and stick. But at least this solves the humidifier problem this year.

Is the entire world traipsing through my house now? In addition to the usual gaggle of plumbers, framers, electricians, and architects, the nearby Waldorf School 3rd graders are using the house as their class project about shelter. And now, the County of Los Angeles Department of Agricultural Commisioner and Weights and Measures is using my orange trees to monitor infestations of "harmful exotic invasive insects."

I was standing right on the other side when they started sawing the beams away. It was like in the cartoons where they cut a hole in the floor and Daffy Duck falls through it.

Concrete! Finally, there is stuff being ADDED to the house instead of SUBTRACTED.

Big ugly pipes are gone.

Here they went.

This seems to be the pipe where they'll run the electrical to the new sub-panel. But I could be wrong.

Pool, overflowing with abundance.

Rusty sink is gone.

Should I be worried that I caught my sink showing together with the toilet?

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