Monday, October 18, 2004

Pleasantly surprised

Due to today's rainy weather, I thought no work would be done today. Glad I was wrong. I brought home my stash of frozen coffee grounds to add to the compost bin. (Yes Nancy, I am compost obsessed. But that's not news to anyone.) On the way to the bin, I noticed all the construction debris and trash were hauled away. Clean again. Wow.

And then, while retreating to my room with a beer, tub of southwest salad, and 2 spinach and black bean tamales, I discovered......

My bathroom floor is gone!

Lo and behold! Where did all the tile go?

And not only that, underneath all the tile lurked GREEN linoleum to match the banana leaf wallpaper. There was quite an obsession with green in this bathroom. Very atavistic. (I learned a new word yesterday, and I've been dying to use it. )

I shredded a giant trash bag full of paper tonight. Very theraputic to shred pieces of my past to recycle into mulch in the compost bins. OK, I'm mulch obessed. I admit it.

The Soil, Compost, and Mulch Forum

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