Monday, January 31, 2005

Sufferin' succotash

Ouchie from overdoing Farmer Davy the past weekend. I'm starting to question whether gardening is actually pleasurable if it causes physical pain.

The past week's cardboard harvest. The kitchen cupboards at the office are bare this morning, I expect another bountiful cardboard harvest this week after Dr Soda makes their delivery to the office.

Trimmed the olive tree to show off it's sexy limbs. My own limbs are still kind of twiggy.

Working on the panda habitat again. Still not happy with the stones. I need to get larger stones. And the ground needs to be a foot lower on the left side for better drainage. At this rate, I'm not going to get my panda this year.

I'm thinking about using some Hollywood Movie Magic to blue-screen in a finished interior. While I'm at it, I can also insert a virtual Halle Berry sitting in my living room.

Green zebra tomato. I hope it does well. I've not had good luck with tomatoes the past two summers. I like the name more than the taste of the tomatoes. Though, the taste is good too. Bright, tart, and sweet. But I think the appeal is mostly because it's named after an animal. I like animals.

I don't remember what this variety of tomato is called. I just remember Jimmy the plant guy at the Hollywood Farmer's Market saying that it's a very flavorful early tomato, then I started drooling and my mind wandered off. Now if it had an animal name, I'd remember the name.

Root beer plant. Also known as hoja santa in Mexico. Leaves are used to wrap chicken or fish. The leaves smell like root beer. It's kind of Dr Suess looking, and edible to boot. My kind of plant.

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