Nope. I've got my own La Brea Tar Pits spewing forth in my bathroom. Yeah, the tar pits are one of my favorite places in LA. But really, in my own house? I've got all the windows and doors open and the ionizer going full tilt. Or at least all the windows that are currently attached to the house. Because.........

I can't open these new windows that arrived today. Yes, five hinges on those doors. They are very large heavy doors.

With a giant frame to go along with it. I must admit, the flash on this 4 year old camera is pretty awesome. No other lighting was used for this picture.

The ceiling is smoother. Really. They spent most of the day sanding it. Really, there is a difference.

Bathtub with feet now. It's trying to run away from the tar smell. Ick Ick Ick. Thankfully, it's not going to be 30 degrees tonight. Because I have to sleep with all the windows and doors open.
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