Saturday, April 01, 2006

Giggling fools

LA Conservancy Angelino Heights walking tour. Damn bad directions from Yahoo Maps made me miss the first 20 minutes of the tour. Neighborhood full of old Victorian houses in various stages of restoration. Some of these paint jobs cost more than $100,000. The first house is on sale for over 2.5 million dollars. I like the circles in the third house.

OMG! OMG! OMG! This is the house on Charmed! And we get to go inside! Of course, this house was used mostly for the porch and exterior shots. The interior is actually shot in a sound stage, but they did a good job replicating the staircase for TV. I was practically peeing in my pants. Alyssa Milano jiggled around in skimpy clothing right here!

Cute story. The man who owns this house fell in love the woman across the street while they were both restoring their respective houses. They married. Now he lives over in the circle house and rents this one out for filming.

So very not Alyssa Milano.

One of my first attempts at bowl making. It came out lopsided when I skooched it off the wheel, so I played that up by deconstructing the pot and making it asymmetrical, cutting away the boo boo part. I'm good at working with sow's ears.

Sake cup, with handle. We're supposed to put handles on mugs. I couldn't get myself to put a normal handle on the cup. I've got another twenty or so pots waiting to dry out. The rains are putting a damper on my progress. I asked Jim the instructor whether the glazes and clay were dishwasher safe. They are!

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