Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Temperatures rising

Hannah's watching CNN and yelling at the sorry state this country is in.

Caprese salad. I spent 5 minutes picking out the perfect orange heirloom tomato at the farmer's market over the weekend. I seem to be buying a lot of orange things lately. But it bums me out that I'm not harvesting my own tomatos this year. My vegatable garden committed suicide during the insane heat wave last month.

And tomato pesto focaccia. With truffle oil. Thin thin thin slices. I burned the roof of my mouth because I was too impatient.

We will try to make brioche this week. I think I have a bad batch of yeast. It has trouble rising. I'm diagnosing erectile dysfunction. But I doubt the pharmacy will dispense viagra or cialis for making dough rise. This whole sucking at baking thing is making me angry.


nying said...

inquiring minds want to see the state of your kitchen during and after the davy cooking process.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Nancy I want to see ALL the bowls, pots and pans utilized during your sessions!
