Monday, December 04, 2006

Fountain of wee

I carved a kabocha squash to look like a turtle. For something I'm working on for Joshua's favorite charity.

Flocking a tree is the Christmas tree equivalent of breast implants. Which are also very prevalent in Southern California.

Fountain finally filled and working. With floating water lettuce plants (illegal in Texas) and 12 goldfish. 12 cents each. What a deal! I wanted the $25 koi fish that looked like a panda, but for $25, I could replace a fish everyday for 208 days. I am going to wait a week before naming the fish. As it turns out, the tranquil sounds of trickling water aren't so tranquil. The sound makes me want to pee. And then after that, water sounds make me thirsty. Which starts the cycle anew.

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