Saturday, November 03, 2007

Catering to family

Making cookie's for Jerry's wedding rehearsal. I should charge money to rent out kitchen capacity.

So I've cleaned out the deep fat fryer, and the difference between the leftover oil and a full bottle is probably the amount that currently clogs my arteries.

A preview for Nancy and Jimmy and Davy of the 20 pounds of spicy peanut noodles we made for the wedding party. We maxed out the food processor capacity to make the sauce.

Cupcakes! And my first attempt at cake decorating. Chocolate with buttercream.

Yellow cupcakes with chocolate ganache. I made a huge mess.

Mini cupcakes were a labor of love because they take just as long to make and decorate as normal cupcakes, but you can eat the whole thing in one bite. Poof. All that work gone.

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