Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cranking wood and pink balls

Still whacked out from jet lag today, but I stayed lucid enough to unpack some Korea loot. There wasn't any time to see the sights and wander and explore. So I visited the 24 hr Target equivalent across the street from the hotel. Random cheap goodies ensue.

At the Home Plus, I found things such as Crunky ball chocolate (Nestle Crunch in centimeter cube form) and Milk Ball candy. I just love saying "Crunky." And who can resist a cow holding a giant strawberry on a pink spotted milk can?

And I found the most awesome super #1 tie. White and grey and pink. With sequins! Pink is the new Black in Korea. All the boys were sporting pink shirts and pink hats and pink phones. The girls, not so much pink. Pink is the manly color of the moment. Wear it. Own it. Love it. Did I mention SEQUINS? Hawt!

And someday, I will be wearing a panda eye mask and a panda face mask. Panda branded cigarettes will hook naive impressionable me into a lifetime addiction to nicotine. But I will look stylish smoking cigarettes through a hole in my panda face mask. Bonus points for irony.

And in the hardware department, I found a hand crank coffee grinder, wooden spoons, no-underage minors signage, and wood panel shelf paper. Yes, I schlepped Korean vinyl shelf paper halfway across the globe and through customs.

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