Monday, July 07, 2008

Variety pack

The Trader Joe's has new fruits to try. This week, we have golden plums, black apricots, and angelcots. Apparently, angelcots are only grown on a 2 acre farm somewhere nearby. Because they're are so juicy, these "saintly" angelcots practically melt at the slightest touch. They are incredibly hard to ship long distances, which probably limits the chances of the rest of you trying some of these. You'll just have to come visit when they're in season next year. I have no idea how the local Joe's got a hold of these. Black apricots are a cross between red plums and yellow apricots. Them sure is sweet. I have no idea how the local Joe's got these also. So this trip was a good score fruit-wise.

In a related note, Food4Less has new varieties of Doritos on special. Food snob I am not. I like to eat junk too. Now if only Frito-Lay would develop angelcot and black apricot Doritos... How awesome would that be?

1 comment:

jenne p said...

i have had doritos that were really good that tasted like lime and sugar, and then became totally disgusting when it was discovered they were actually mountain dew flavored.

cherry coke might be a likely dorito flaver....