Bakeries remind me of my failures with all things yeast. But I will not give up! I will learn to bake yeast breads in my lifetime!

Hurry Up Slow Food! Waiting in line with Jenne and Aaron for the Slow Food Nation festival makes me impatient for the deliciousness inside. The food may be slow, but I want it now now now!
I wonder if I'd get kicked out if I took a bite.
The charcuterie pavilion. The bunny and pig feet terrine was surprisingly good. Mmmm... Pork. If I was a pig, this is how I would want to end up. Sadly, the line was insanely long the rest of the day, one can never have enough cured meats. There is such a thing as slow food that is too slow. Now now now!
The honey tasting section! Coffee infused honey was very interesting. Would be great with ice cream. I spent many minutes commiserating with the bee keepers about bee colony collapse disorder. But then ADHD distracted me with fishies.
Fishies! We learned about white and marble fleshed salmon being underutilized and generally wasted because people aren't used to the color. But this is totally just a marketing problem. All that is needed is to stop treating it as a genetic anomaly and position it as a rare delicacy. If I was Dictator of the World, I'd hawk marble salmon as a super high-end choice and charge twice what normal pink salmon goes for. Trademark a new made-up vaguely Northwest Indian tribe sounding name for it and before you know it, what was once fertilizer and cat food becomes the new regional specialty. Rather than try to sell it to supermarkets, I'd start evangelizing the high end restaurants to build awareness and set the notion of a high end price in the marketplace. Just need a few PR tricks to get some buzz and awareness in the dining and wine media. Yuppie foodies will totally fall for this ploy. And since traditional grilling and pan searing salmon preparations don't highlight the marbled and mottled coloring, I'd shift the emphasis of the marble salmon recipes towards things like cured and smoked salmon to emphasize the color difference. Marble colored lox would totally be awesome! All it takes is a little bit of imagination. But I'm not Dictator of the World yet, so I won't be able to profit from this.
Lots of pickled things, but I didn't see any Germans.
Smoked beer. Like combining cigarettes and booze. I can tackle two vices in one!
Native American foods. Bison stew delicious! Now I want to go hunt me some Bison. And by "hunt," I meant getting back in line and getting another helping.
The Ice Cream pavilion. The yogurt and salty caramel ones are my favorite. My little Costco ice cream maker will never make ice cream with this smooth texture. If I was Dictator of the World, I would have a few PacoJet's at my disposal to make ice cream. And I would have Oompa Loompa's to help with labor.
Bair is part of the start up group for Slow Food here in Grinnell. Looks like your area is very advanced!
Not really. I had to go to San Francisco for this.
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