The wonderful Ellie and Neil stopped by to nosh today. I enlist them to help eat all the food I've been making. Agua de Jamaica looks like wine when consumed in a fancy glass. But I will tell everybody we were boozing it up since noon. I have a reputation to keep, ya know.
Grilled squash. Delicious? You betcha!
And rosemary garlic encrusted lamb chops. Lollipop handles are built in, so there is no need to waste our time on utensils. Just like the Average Joe's on Main Street.
I didn't realize the my grill had a clean out tray. Eeek! 7 years of schmutz under there. Nastiness. And yet, I did not clean it. Just closed it back up. Out of sight, out of mind for another 7 years. I will wait until it gets really bad and hope for a bailout.
And tomato salad seems to show up daily. I should be a maverick and change it up a little.