Sunday, February 13, 2005

This little piggy stayed home

Strange allergic reaction this weekend. The ears became red and itchy. Not suitable to show in public. Benedryl canceled Saturday night plans. Sigh. Absolutely annoying. Reaction certainly stress related, but I have no clue what triggered it. Shampoo? Cashews? Chocolate? Allergic to construction dust? Post-rain mold? Work related? Allergic to love?

I do have to be careful over the next few days with my moodiness. Seems possible that I can become majorly depressed again. I've not been very happy this past week. How did I wind up like this? What the hell am I doing?

For some reason, this description of the new episode of Monk struck me as interesting.

"Mr. Monk Gets Stuck in Traffic"
Monk must deal with being in a traffic jam, caused by a car, containing a corpse, abandoned in the middle of the road.

Sort of rhythmic in a Clue boardgame and tur-duc-ken sort of way. The butler, in the study, with a wrench. A chicken, stuffed in a duck, stuffed in a turkey.

These piggies showed up in my dinner. A bit of levity in an otherwise sad and lonely, red and itchy Saturday night. Humor surely welcome, but very temporary. Tasty though.

This week's cherimoya harvest. As these ripen, I will freeze them. They're normally too sweet to eat by itself, so I'm going to save them for later to cook with. Perhaps cherimoya bread, or more cherimoya ice cream.

I miss Preston.

He misses me too.

I'm tired. It's been nearly five months now. And well, the house thing isn't really that important to me anymore. Fun and exciting in the beginning. Definitely it will be very beautiful when finished. And I'd very much enjoy living in the house once more. But really, it's just a self-indulgent shrine to myself. With all the crap at work, in my social life, and at home right now, I'd like some of them to come to some sort of resolution, but everything is just dragging on. Feeling powerless and alone. What the hell am I doing?

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