Preston looks tiny in the reorganized patio. The empty space is for future outdoor seating and lounging area. Far far far in the financial future. By popular request, here's an inventory of Marred Vista Farm.

Purple Kohlrabi. Purple cauliflower. Romanesco broccoli. Fennel bulbs. And a volunteer tomato.

Purple beans. Yellow beans. Green beans. Japanese eggplant. Brown bell pepper. White bell pepper. Green bell pepper. Orange bell pepper. Poblano pepper. Ancho pepper. And assorted unlabeled peppers. And some more volunteer growth tomatos. And a baby thornless mexican key lime tree.

Lemon boy tomato. Purple cherokee tomato. Shallots. Garlic. Garlic chives. Cardoons. Yellow raspberry. Japanese cucumbers. Italian white eggplant. Underneath the hachiya persimmon and what is probably a eureka lemon. Baby beets.

Sugar cane. Pineapple tops from Costco. More beets. Uncooperative okra. Tomatillos. Cavandish bananas. A frankenstein plum tree with 3 varieties and a loquat tree that I will try to keep as a shrub. This is also the nursery area for Davy's coast redwood, giant sequoia tree, and assorted cedars and pines from camping trip. I will need to bequeath these trees when I die.

Fuyu persimmon. Manzano and orinoco bananas. Passionfruit vines. And more Costco pineapple tops from delicious $1.99 costa rican pineapples. And some pimento peppers.

Ice cream banana. Mysore banana. And an entire field of purple and green tomatillos. Golden kiwi seedlings. The tangerine tree is being fattened up for more stability in the winds. And lemon and strawberry guavas. (No you really can't hybridize guavas and strawberries or lemons. It's just the color. Damn marketing.) Some asparagus along the fence that I can't harvest until next year. Watermelon will be planted next to the guest house when the seedlings are large enough to survive a squirrel and slug assault.

Golden sage. Lemongrass. Silver thyme. Summer and winter savory. Borage. Lemon balm. Rau rum Vietnamese cilantro thing. Yellow pear tomato. Mr Stripey tomato. Green zebra tomato. Meiwa kumquat. Babacao and solo papayas. Leanord Meyer lemon tree. Kaffir lime. Green kiwi. Strawberry bushes. And I get delicious tart prickley pear fruits each fall.

Red banana. Rosa bianca eggplant. Lemon and lime thyme. Chervil. Marjoram. Oregano. Varigated thyme. Thai basil. San Marzano tomatos. German green tomatos. Black krim tomatos. Frederick variety of passion fruit. And some japanese varieties of tomatos. They had no English labels, but I wanted to know what they tasted like.

Strawberry rhubarb. Rainbow chard. Lovage. Big thyme. Varegated oregano. French sorrel. More beets. Rapini. Minneola tangerine. Mexican oregano. Epazote. And shade grown coffee arabica shrub. Mint, spearmint, peppermint, pineapple mint, India mint.

Under the cherimoya tree grows green onions. Spanish and French tarragon. Mustard greens. Bronze and green fennel. Purple and green globe artichokes. Chives. Sage, pineapple sage, purple sage, and Transylvania sage. Garlic. (No vampires in Davy's backyard.) Trying to grow ginseng under the persian lime tree, but they havn't sprouted yet. And assorted varieties of lavendar too numerous to list.

The vineyard grows concord, perlette, thompson, and muscat grapes. There's some more swiss chard, and an Italian squash that looks like a baseball bat. Frankenstein 3 in 1 cherry tree.

Apricot. Blackberries. Olive. Purple carrots. Pepperoncino and Italian marconi peppers. Tons more varieties of lavendar and tri-colored sage. There's a dead squirrel in the compost bin.

Pompeii includes horseradish. Red flame grapes. Honey tangerine. White and yellow radishes. Baby round carrots. Artichokes. 2 varieties of natal plum. Red raspberries. And frankenstein 4 in 1 apple tree. Which included fuji, braeburn, matsu, and gala varieties. Swan lake melon. Bowl and bottle gourds for making birdhouses this winter.

Spaghetti squash. Random chili peppers and tomatos that I didn't label and have since forgotten their varieties. Some pole beans. Genovese and Sinnaminna basil. Super dwarf nectarine tree. Asian pears. And a kyoshu grapevine that my Dad gave me.

Buddha's hand citron. White pattypan squash. Mizuna. Thai, jalepeno, serrano, habanero, and other forgotten varieties of peppers. Early elberta peach. Donut peach. And assorted pear tree which will produce pears of the Harry and David variety. A lot of tomatos. A lot of chile peppers. Lemon cucumbers, and alien bumpy melons. Soybeans.
Honeydew melons, yellow muskmelons, bay leaf tree, red rubin basil, lime basil, brown turkey and kadota figs not pictured.

The beginnings of the cactus garden.

Bucatini with arrabiata sauce.
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