Monday, September 29, 2008

Fruitful events

Wintermelon sorbet. The graininess of the ice crystals... sigh... disappointing. This flavor may be better in gelato form so the milk fat and egg custard help smooth it out. Next time. Next time.

Tuna, artichokes, and bean crostini. A spoonful of capers, splashes of olive oil and red wine vinegar. Another lazy man concoction. Aside from the toasted bread and chopped red onions, everything came out of a can or jar. 5 minutes, tops.

Banana plant finally flowering! Bananas hopefully soon. Giant tarantulas not as welcome.

Today's harvest. Herbage and tomatoes. Not produce self sufficient this summer, perhaps next year.

Home made spaghetti-O's. The crostini may be from a can, but tonight's pasta is made with backyard basil and tomatoes. Go figure.

6 years of living in this house, and this is the first time I used the bathtub. Now I'm good for another 6 more years.

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