Sunday, October 05, 2008

Hope autumns eternal

Itty bitty baby bananas emerging from the flower. I hope the feral bats and feral monkeys don't eat my bananas. That would be bad.

I hope my papayas ripen before the winter storms kick in. That would be bad.

Italian trombone squash is making some interesting shapes. I should eat these now before the skin gets tough. That would be bad.

I should probably harvest some persimmons before the feral squirrels eat them all like they did last year. That would be bad.

Preston has discovered the giant water dish in the backyard. He won't go back to drinking from his water bowl. The vet says that's not all that bad.


The Bairs said...

Please move near me so I can reap the benefits of your great cooking. I have practically given it up and while we're in no danger of starving Bair is a bit tired of dial-a-dinner!

davy said...

Are you offering me a job?

Erika said...

I think 'feral squirrel' is redundant. Squirrels were not once tame and now wild.