Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Dead trees and dead people

I came home to a very strong wood smell when pulling into the driveway. Mahogany or camphor wood, coupled with machine oil. It triggered flashbacks to when I was a toddler and there was a coffin making shop near the bus stop. Same sawdust smell. Must be the sawdust from the plywood decking.

I am highly disappointed by frozen dinners from Whole Foods. Such high expectations because their fresh produce, meats, and cheeses are so delicious. But so far, everything in their freezer cases leave me cold. (Heh Heh, I made a pun.) The secret ingredient to tasty frozen foods must be preservatives and artificial flavors. No wonder I didn't buy any frozen stuff from them before kitchen shortage. Sux donkeys.

They laid down the first layer of the roof deck today. Plastic is now completely on the outside and no longer separating the old and new parts of the house. This is the first time where you could begin to imagine the boundaries of the new first floor. I forgot about dinner and just stood around the first floor. Soaking it all in. It takes a lot for Davy to forget about food. Pictures will come in the morning where there is more light.

Shredding more paper tonight. I've reached some high school papers now. Nothing like shredding your awkward teen years into mulch. Not that the 20's were any less awkward. So old. Some memories are better revisited with no surviving artifacts. If I dig deep enough, I may find a Mead Trapper Keeper.

My God! I was such a nerd. I found a Math 293 exam booklet. I scored a 97. Which is hilarious because I can't do simple addition and subtraction today. Sample papers I've shredded so far:

Thermocouples and Resistive Loads
Stress, Strain, and Equilibrium of Tention Structures
Phase Shifts of Chocolate and Vanilla Ice Cream
NaAl and Jet Turbine Crystals
Miller Indices, f.c.c. structures and locations of octahedral voids
"For a crystalline or glassy material, the Young's modulus E is related to the binding energy Φb and the interatomic spacing A0 as follows: E =nm/A03 Φb"

Was that really part of my life? And who is this Jennifer Petrucelli whose paper got mixed up in my college documents?

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