Thursday, November 18, 2004

I'm such a nerd

Beams are back in. The floor upstairs are jouncy, so I'm making them fix it. Though it took a lot of will power not to play with the hydraulic lift doohickeys. They seem so fun. They're calling out to me.

Happy wires. Yellow wires are a precaution in case the Green Lantern decides to attack my electrical system. Because his "power energy cannot affect that which is yellow." (I'm such a geek.)

Plywood on walls. Studs bolted to foundation. Building codes due to the Northridge earthquake. From the pattern of the knots on the plywood, I'm estimating that particular section of the tree is around 10-12 inches in diameter. (I'm such a nerd.)

Yellow wiring going in. Mike Myers on SNL from the early 90's had a singing child character, Simon, who liked to do "draw-rings" naked in the bathtub. But the song in my head now goes.

So I know my name is Simon....
And I like to do wire-ring....

Speaking of naked, it's awfully hard to cover your ass when there is no wall behind you.

New electrical sub-panel. I asked them to hide it under the outside staircase. It's completely stupid to have to go outside in the rain and hunt for a dark spider-webby circuit breaker when there's no electricity. But hey. It looks very ugly, and I don't want see it inside the house. (Which is anal retentive, but not nerdy.)

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