Friday, November 19, 2004


I'm house sitting for Mom and Dad for the next few weeks while they're whooping it up in Asia. Which is good because now I have custody of Preston again. And I get to use their car to haul manure. And watch tv on a television larger than a soccer ball. And not trip over hammers and nails on the way to the bathroom.

Although Mom and Dad have heat and walls, I still miss living in what's left of my house. Missing walls, tigger bouncy floors, and all. But it's good timing to be away. I no longer have a wall behind the only working toilet in the house. And a reciprocating saw is the last thing I want to see when I pee.

Goes on bathroom wall upstairs. I have 6 boxes of these, I hope it's enough. They look like computer pixels, which is why I like them.

This is more information about my parents' dietary habits than I needed to know.

Preston loves to have his paws held. Even if he has to do it himself.

Breakfast. I like feeding Preston. Best part of my morning. I wonder if he's getting enough fiber?

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